Man is an active animal from birth. The cause of man’s action, which begins with “crying ” unfolds until he becomes physically or mentally incapacitated. During that long journey, the responsibility of maintaining their body as feminine as possible is held personally by each citizen.
To properly fulfill those responsibilities, a man should have a good understanding and training about his posture as well as maintain the proper functioning of the body. The medium that it provides is physical education. The school teaches core education to children from 6 to 11 years to shape them for an active and healthy life. Physical fitness is established in a person who deals more accurately and purposefully with successful educational activities. Physical fitness is an extension of several abilities that develop within the body itself. Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Agility can be named as strengths that emerge from the active body. Some of the objectives of maintaining the successful educational activities of colleges are to produce a teacher full of physical fitness qualities for country.
Lecturer (Physical Education) – Mr. H. M. Nimal Amarathunga
Lecturer (Physical Education) – Miss. R.H.U.Dilrukshika
Sports Coach –Mr. S.A.J.A.Senanayake